An Epic Gaming Adventure
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline blew my socks off from laughter and good-ole nostalgia.
Growing up, I loved playing video games. I've spent many hours glued to a screen playing my Nintendo, Super Nintendo, XBox, computer . . . . So this novel hit home. Somehow, Cline managed to wrap up many of the wonderful things I love into a fun-filled, action-packed adventure. He topped it off with a completely immersive, futuristic gaming system the protagonist utilizes to become a real life hero. It's every nerds dream.
Interestingly enough, I didn't find this gem on my own. Ready Player One was recommended to me by a friend. Now, I'm recommending it to you. If you haven't read it, you're missing out.
And once again, don't forget the movie! Though many things were changed between the novel and the silver screen, the film maintained the essence of the original work, and I'm a fan.
Here's the link to Amazon: